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Beach Blanket Bingo | dkfarnum
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Beach Blanket Bingo

“Eugenia Sheppard, one of the country’s most influential
fashion reporters described the mid-1960’s as a time when the
young and the moneyed were choosing fine jewelry not costume
jewelry, especially when it was made by David Webb.”*

They were also fond of Seaman Schepps whose signature shell
jewelry adorned the “ocean-hopping set” personified by
Princess Pignatelli and Elizabeth Taylor.
And Pierre Sterle’s Turquoise cocktail ring shown here,
is the epitome of sixties chic.
The last option is a modern aquamarine ring in patinated
bronze, which embodies the same colorful approach to summer.

*From David Webb The Quintessential American Jeweler by Ruth Peltason

1) David Webb Vintage Turquoise and Diamond Earrings
2) Seaman Schepps Turquoise Earrings
3) Vintage Sterle Turquoise, Diamond and Sapphire Cocktail Ring
4) Sean Gilson Patinated Bronze Aquamarine and 18k Ring


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